高性能電源モジュールで、世界最先端の完全電動ワーククラス ROV (eWROV) を実現
Saab UK社は、小型で放熱性の高い電源モジュールを使って、世界最高クラスの性能をもつ、環境に優しい eWROVを実現
Different vehicle voltages is accommodated by one solution for digital video recorders
A third more power in just 20% of the space for vehicle GPS applications
High voltage bus converters significantly reduce installation costs for outdoor stadium lighting
Fire alarm control unit uses DC‑DC supply and battery backup while increasing functionality
Power solution operates in extreme temperatures for LEDs to display brighter lights, longer
Handling a variety of user-defined output power requirements for medical carts
高性能電源モジュールで、世界最先端の完全電動ワーククラス ROV (eWROV) を実現
Saab UK社は、小型で放熱性の高い電源モジュールを使って、世界最高クラスの性能をもつ、環境に優しい eWROVを実現
Powering Innovation eBook: Volume 1 – Saving the environment
Technological breakthroughs to protect and preserve the environment
Powering Innovation eBook: Volume 3 – Changing what’s possible
Technological advancements that challenge the boundaries of design and performance
Powering Innovation eBook: Volume 2 – Protecting and saving lives
Innovative solutions that protect and deliver lifesaving materials and services